We were deeply saddened to learn of the untimely passing of President Yang Fujia.
Prof. Yang had deep connections with the UK, having served as Chancellor of the University of Nottingham from 2001 to 2013, the first Chinese academic to hold such a position at a British university. But we particularly remember him for his vision of setting up the University of Nottingham at Ningbo, which came to fruition in 2004, and which has been a model for subsequent UK-China transnational education collaboration. In this and other ways, he made a major contribution to UK-China education partnerships, fostering mutual understanding of the education and culture of both countries.
The lives of countless British, Chinese and other students - including some of my team at the British Consulate-General in Shanghai - have been shaped by Prof. Yang's vision. We particularly remember his support for academic exchanges in emerging sectors such as sustainable energy, for the strength of UNNC's Faculty of Science and Engineering, and for UNNC's work on international studies and international communications.
The British Government has much valued its connections with Prof. Yang, for example during the Prime Minister's visit to China in 2013, where he shared some of the concrete results from UK-China education collaboration; and in marking the 10th anniversary of UNNC at the British Ambassador's Residence in Beijing in 2014.
Prof. Yang will be much missed by everyone connected with Nottingham Ningbo, but with gratitude for all that he achieved. At this sad time, we send our deep condolences and heartfelt sympathy to Prof. Yang's family, to the faculty and current students at UNNC, and to all of the broader Nottingham and Nottingham Ningbo family.
Chris Wood 胡克定
Her Majesty's Consul-General in Shanghai
British Consulate-General