Agnieszka Marciniak

Preliminary Year Tutor in Business, Humanities and Social Sciences

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Trent Building 377


University of Nottingham Ningbo China


199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China


+86 (0)574 8818 0000 Ext. 8968


Cambridge Celta,

Cambridge Delta Module 1 and 2,

Postgraduate Diploma in Conference Interpreting,

Postgraduate Certificate in Virtual Learning Environment Development,

MA in Dutch Language and Literature,

BA in Dutch Language and Literature,

BA in English Philology (Hons).


I began teaching in 2008 and have taught EFL and EAP in Poland, UK, Spain and China. Besides holding a BA in English Philology, I also am a Master of Dutch Philology and have experience teaching Dutch as a Foreign Language (NT2).  Having moved to China in 2018, I also developed my translation and interpreting career (working with English, Dutch and Polish), and then joined CELE in 2023. Apart from teaching, I like spending time with my family and in nature, reading, meditating and doing yoga.


  • CTAC - Critical Thinking in Academic Contexts (UNNC),
  • EFL/ESP/EAP/Dutch and Polish as a Foreign Language (Europe),
  • Management, Marketing, Administration, Finance and Accounting content courses (Poland).


My research interests include metacognition, mindfulness in communicative language teaching, and translation and interpretation studies.


Most recent translation: Gawlowski, R. (2023). The First Enigma Codebreaker. Marian Rejewski who Passed the Baton to Alan Turing. Pen and Sword Military.