The Strategy and Planning Team (SPT) is the department that leads on all strategic and planning matters at UNNC. The department is responsible for advising Management Board and Planning and Resources Committee on significant internal and external issues that will or could have an impact on UNNC. The department enables UNNC to deliver the Campus Development Plan, performance objectives, plans and projects.​


Planning and Projects

The Planning and Projects Team is a unit with a mission to facilitate strategic planning and improve the project outcomes in UNNC. The team assists senior management with the oversight, management and compliance of governance for all of the projects across the university through tracking, monitoring, and reporting as well as ​resource allocation. It also leads and manages the whole lifecycle of the university major strategic projects and programmes. (Programme is defined as related projects, subsidiary programmes, and programme activities managed in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually). The main responsibilities of the Planning and Projects Team are:  

  • Oversee all live projects and change initiative​​s at UNNC through monitoring and tracking the projects
  • Report on the status of all live projects and change initiatives
  • Facilitate annual planning and Campus Development planning
  • Lead and manage all of UNNC's strategic proje​​cts and programme along with smaller projects and change initiatives for which there is no natural place for them to sit in UNNC
  • Better connect people (including management board, stakeholders, working groups, etc.) services and resources
  • Incorporates a set of bespoke tools and templates for the University and keeps them up-to-date with approved revisions
  • Develop the project management culture and awareness across the University to follow the standard set of process​


Strategy and Performance


The Strategy and Performance Team supports evidence-informed strategic visioning, planning and performance evaluation. Aiming to support university strategy execution in an integrated fashion, the team faci​litates stronger alignment of strategic objectives, strategic priorities and performance management, bridges inside-outside perspectives through institutional research and ranking and benchmarking analysis, and provides scenario planning and business intelligence as a source of continual evidence to inform the strategy.

Key areas of work include: 

  • Provide annual and medium-term student size and shape projection to inform relevant resource planning
  • Manage university performance management framework with regular monitoring, reporting and follow up of University KPIs
  • Manage annual government funding performance review and reporting
  • Manage annual cycle of Nottingham Student Experience Survey
  • Provide central data analytics support and endorse a data-driven culture through Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform
  • Provide central data and reporting support by leading on key database and reporting review projects
  • Monitor and report on university level and subject level rankings, benchmarking and external rating (QS Star Rating)
  • Support institutional research and horizon scoping to inform university's strategic priorities.​


Strategy and Planning Team

Room 436 and 434, Trent Building
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China
