Feedback is welcome

The Learning Community Forum (LCF) is a platform for students and teachers to communicate and discuss any issues or suggestions related to their course of studies and, more in general, their university experience. Students’ feedback is encouraged especially in the areas regarding facilities and services supporting their studies and life, the course programmes and their learning experience in their modules. The meetings of the Learning Community Forum should happen at least once per semester.

Students’ feedback is collected by Student Course Representatives.


Course representatives

A course representive is a student representative who applied for this role and who has been selected on the grounds of their motivation and skills. Each course should have at least one representative who will collect students’ feedback, and discuss these at the LCF meetings with the school staff.

Benefits of being a course representative

  • Course representives have the power to make real changes to how the university and the courses we offer are run.
  • Course representives will gain a wide association with the student body and develop both their English language and communication skills.
  • At the end of the academic year, there is an awards ceremony where the hard work of the course representives is recognised.


Nottingham Advantage Award

The Nottingham Advantage Award (NAA) is a university-wide scheme that helps you become more employable by developing the kind of competencies, learning and evaluation skills that employers are looking for in talented new graduates.

LCF student representatives can enrol in a Nottingham Advantage Award module (10 or 20 credits).


Centre for English Language Education (CELE) Tim Wallis
Faculty of Business Boying Li
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Candace Veecock
Faculty of Science and Engineering Odette Paramor