• Apr2023 24 00:00
    Apr2023 29 23:59

    5-HT Week

    UNNC Campus


5-HT Week Introduction

"5-HT" is short for "5-hydroxytryptamine", also known as serotonin, which is a highly abundant neurotransmitter in the human body. It can help humans generate pleasurable emotions at the brain level and is therefore known as a messenger for transmitting happiness.

The 5-HT Week is held during the revision season of each semester and features stress-relieving activities with a humanistic care philosophy to help students and faculty members relieve stress, experience joy, generate a sense of belonging, and achieve emotional balance during busy times. 5-HT is also gradually reaching out to broader communities, providing emotional support for more people.

Theme: "0-zero"

The theme of the 5-HT Week this semester is "0-zero", indicating the dividing line between positive and negative numbers as well as the circle that encompasses everything which resolves the balance of things.

The stress-relieving activities are divided into five modules including sport, music, markets, therapy, and games. Through these activities, we hope that participators will be able to better understand their emotions, and find a better emotional balance.


0 distance to care

A hug and a word of encouragement can bring people closer together. We hope the care provides you with emotional support and accompanies you through the final exam season.

  • Mini Zoo/Opening Ceremony
  • Candy Sharing 


O2 to enjoy sports

Appropriate exercise can help improve focus and creativity during the review season. Sweating and absorbing oxygen through exercise can relieve stress and make the mind and body feel burden-free.

  • Campus Run
  • Slow Cycling Race
  • Other sports activities


0 distraction to attention control

Meditation and mindfulness can soothe the mind and body, releasing distracting thoughts and enabling a more focused and productive state for studying. Let the ethereal healing power of meditation free the mind and help you achieve a state of calm and concentration.

  • Lunchtime mindfulness
  • Outdoor sound therapy
  • Yoga class


0 limit to energy recharge

Take a timely break and allow your rapidly functioning brain to catch its breath. Release your nature in enriching outdoor activities and get replenished on crazy Fridays, making your study season full of "power".

  • English standup comedy
  • 5-HT market
  • Banana music festival
  • Moon river cinema
  • Super Friday


0 worries – recalling your childhood memories

Simple games take you back to worry-less childhood memories.

  • Summer amusement park
  • Go! Splash!
  • Pillow fight
  • Clothesline
  • Glow in the dark


Scan the QR code to know more information or sign-up for the activities

Take a break and explore your balance.

5-HT is always here.

You are not alone.