UNNC Aerospace Engineering students visited Boeing Completion and Delivery Center

22 December 2023

On 8th December, 2023, a group of Aerospace Engineering students from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) visited Boeing Completion and Delivery Center in Zhoushan.

Joan Wang, Safety Officer of the Delivery Center, received the UNNC guests. Todd Abraham, Chief Pilot and interim Manager of the Delivery Center, gave a welcome speech and introduced the centers to the visitors.

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Todd Abraham, Chief Pilot and Interim Manager, introducing the Completion & Delivery Center

Then the students visited two workshops, where the final decoration of an aircraft is completed and the aircraft painted. Students had the opportunity to learn the state-of-the-art painting equipment and the painting process. After the factory tour, students explored the office environment of the Delivery Center and then participated in a career discussion with Boeing staff members, during which they asked questions about the life cycle of an aircraft, the experience of being a pilot, the aerospace industry, job opportunities at Boeing, and their career development. Boeing employees also shared their own career paths with the students.

Through this visit, the students had a direct experience of Boeing’s work environment and advanced equipment, had better understanding of the career in the aerospace industry, and had an opportunity to reflect on their own career development.

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Students visiting the Delivery Center

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Group picture of UNNC students with Boeing employees