Two new research centres has established at CBI

16 June 2022

On 15 June, the Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute (hereinafter referred to as “the China Beacons Institute”) announced the official establishment of two major research centres: the China Beacon of Life Science and Healthcare Centre for Smart Food Research and the China Beacons Institute-Runtu Joint Research Centre for Green Chemicals. The research centres will provide a platform to serve both local and global food and chemical industries. At the same time, the China Beacons Institute hosted the first International Forum on Future Food and Health that was joined by world-leading academics who delivered keynote speeches into a number of research areas, including sustainable food and nutritional security, healthcare with precision imaging, and evidence-based healthcare.


Professor Nick Miles, Provost of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), warmly welcomed attendees participating in the forum. The Provost stated that the China Beacons Institute leverages the unique Ningbo-based and global-oriented advantages of UNNC by drawing on the university’s research expertise and resources. He went on to say that the China Beacons Institute has excelled by establishing a world-class scientific eco-system and technological innovation platform which cultivates talents and drives innovation in Ningbo and the wider world.

In the subsequent speeches, Professor Samuel Kingman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham and Dr. Daniel Brooker, Director of UK Research and Innovation China stated that the China Beacons Institute research bases were a shining example of high-quality UK-China research cooperation and had high expectations that further areas for collaboration and international opportunities would arise from the forum.


The China Beacons Institute has been stationed in the Ningbo Hi-Tech Zone since May 2021 and currently has 16 research teams located onsite. The research teams have so far achieved ground-breaking results in areas such as aviation manufacturing, MRI technology, green chemicals and energy, and much more.


China Beacons Institute-Runtu Joint Research Centre for Green Chemicals was one of the two research centres to be established at the forum. The research institute is in joint collaboration with Zhejiang Runtu Co., Ltd, a top 500 manufacturing enterprise in China. It is reported that Zhejiang Runtu company plans to invest funds of around 20 million yuan in scientific and technological research. The two sides will jointly carry out collaborative scientific research around key areas such as clean energy and high-end dye chemicals in order to establish a world-leading high-end dye production base.

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In addition to the China Beacons Institute-Runtu Research Centre, the China Beacon of Life Science and Healthcare Centre for Smart Food Research was also officially inaugurated. Connecting with the UK campus’ challenge-led Future Food Beacon of Excellence, the Smart Food Research Centre plans to bridge across to the other two China Beacons of Green Chemicals and Energy and Intelligent Manufacturing, to provide a unique, interdisciplinary research platform. The China Beacon of Life Science and Healthcare Centre for Smart Food Research will reportedly collaborate directly with the University of Nottingham UK to import advantageous scientific resources in order to develop healthy food supplies, smart diets in healthy cities, as well as data-enabled smart food consumption.


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Ningbo Education Bureau Deputy Chief Inspector, Ms. Qian He, placed high expectations on the establishment of the two research centres, expressing the desire for China Beacons Institute to continue to deliver high-impact research and promote the economic and social development of Ningbo.


Professor Tao Wu, Vice Provost for China Beacons Institute, closed the session stating that he was impressed with the “innovative, interdisciplinary, dynamic and collaborative nature of the forum”. He said that the China Beacons Institute research centres will continue to promote efforts to address global challenges and engage in a collaborative approach to conducting innovative research in order to solve problems and improve lives.


Mr. Chenghao Yu, Deputy Director of Ningbo Hi-Tech Zone Management Committee, Mr. Chunhai Ke, Party Secretary of Ningbo Lihuili Hospital, Professor Junshi Chen, Chief Scientist of 2nd China National Food Safety Standard Reviewing Committee, Professor Jiyao Wang, Director of Centre of Evidence-based Medicine, Fudan University, and Professor Caide Lu, Chief Specialist of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Clinic, Ningbo Medical Centre Lihuili Hospital also attended the event.