An international university in China

University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. Established in 2004, with the full approval of the Chinese Ministry of Education, we are run by the University of Nottingham in partnership with Zhejiang Wanli University, a key player in the education sector in China.

Fast facts

Awards500University of Nottingham is a top 20 UK university in the QS World Rankings and the THE World University Rankings
people 500We have more than 100 student organisations and societies providing a rich and diverse extra-curricular calendar
World500Exchange and study abroad programmes with more than 100 partners in around 40 countries and regions
ResearchAbout 45% of our academic papers were published in world top 10% journals


  • University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China in 2004.
  • At UNNC we have over 9,000 students and more than 7% are from China's Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan regions and other overseas countries.
  • We have over 900 members of staff, split across academic and professional services.
  • Our staff and students come from about 70 countries and regions around the world.
  • The University is situated in a 144 acre (584,666m²) campus in Ningbo, Zhejiang province.
  • We have three faculties: Business, Science and Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • We offer 29 undergraduate courses and 18 postgraduate taught courses
  • We were awarded a licence to grant PhDs in December 2008 and have over 500 PhD students.

Figures accurate for 2020 - 21 academic year.



In-demand graduates


We have more than 8,000 students and, each year, around 1,500 graduates with excellent academic qualifications, transferable skills, a creative outlook and a fresh perspective. They are in demand from employers around the globe who recognise the benefits of hiring talent with an international perspective.

Our internationalisation policy means that our students can study at the University of Nottingham in the UK or to go as exchange or study abroad students to other universities around the world.

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High-impact research

UNNC is a fast growing hub for excellence in research, innovation and knowledge exchange. Driven by our collaboration with the Ningbo Government and industry partners, we provide solutions to local challenges through world-class research and innovation.

Our research spans all faculties and disciplines and we have several centres and institutes that are committed to providing world-leading research relevant to China's interests and needs.

We are keen to support the research talent of the future. We fund and support over 500 postgraduate students and they play an important role in our research community.


Top-quality staff



We have over 900 teaching, research and professional services staff at UNNC, recruited from top universities, research institutes and companies from at least 40 countries worldwide.

All of the teaching on campus is carried out in English by staff either seconded from Nottingham or appointed to the University of Nottingham’s standards.

We have 25 world-class professors appointed through the Li Dak Sum Chair Professorship scheme. Their key research areas span across Marine Economics, New Materials, business innovation and more. 

"The past academic year saw our University operating against a backdrop of unprecedented challenges, posed especially by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, our community has done a tremendous job in responding to them, and I feel grateful to everyone in the University for all they have done. It makes me even more proud to see the progress made towards meeting our vision and mission, and our achievements in changing the world for the better.

To fulfil our strategic goals in education and student experience, we have focused on providing our students with an internationally-based, high-quality education that unlocks their potential and prepares them with the skills they need to make an impact. While the majority of our overseas students returned to campus during the year to resume face-to-face teaching, we have continued to invest in digital teaching and learning so that our students can fully embrace the opportunities presented by thisincreasingly digital world.

We continue to be the first and only Sino-foreign university to be recognised at the national level for both programmes and moduleawards. Our students' satisfaction with teaching and learning continues to rise according to the results from the Nottingham Student Experience Survey, and students' satisfaction with our services, facilities and campus environment maintains a leading position in the Asia benchmark group and in the top tier globally. This is testament to the hard work of our staff in developing the student experience and making our campus an inspiring learning environment..." *

Professor Nick Miles OBE 
Former Provost and Pro-Vice Chancellor 

 Download the report to read the full statement from the former Provost 

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