About CSET



Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET) was officially opened in September 2008. It is located at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). It is led by the Faculty of Science and Engineering.  Its unique architectural design embodied with low carbon strategy helps it received national and international awards. The CSET building demonstrates the recent techniques for environmentally responsible and sustainable construction as an exemplar building. It has attracted and welcomed thousands of guests, including central and local government officials, enterprise leaders, scholars, and students.


Strucure & Design of the Building


The architectural design of CSET building mainly includes 3 Chinese cultural elements:


q  Chinese paper fan 折扇

q  Chinese paper lantern 纸灯笼

q  A lady dancing with paper fan 手持折扇跳舞的舞者

The CSET building has been also designed to be environmental friendly based on the following 4 points:


q   high performance envelop 高性能维护结构

q  Daylight and solar control 日光和太阳能控制

q  Natural ventilation of the tower塔楼的自然通风

q  Piped ventilation to laboratory and reception area 实验室和大厅管道通风

In this way, the building can work under the minimum demand for additional energy for heating, cooling and ventilation.


Low Carbon Technologies


CSET itself is a great innovation as a concept and demonstration of various sustainable energy technologies, particularly in relation with buildings.
