Screenings for Learning Differences

If you are a student registered at the University of Nottingham and wish to be screened for ADHD we suggest you first use our free online screening tool, please click here for more information.

Screenings and resources - University of Nottingham Ningbo China


Specialist Study Skills Support for Specific Learning Differences

We have a team of Specialist Study Support Tutors who can help you develop strategies to manage your studies effectively and become an independent learner. For more information, please click here


Alternative exam arrangement

Alternative examination arrangements (AEAs) are part of a Support Plan that is arranged by the Disability Support Services Team.  Once in place, they will be maintained throughout your time at the university but can be reviewed and updated as necessary.

Reasonable adjustments in exams can include:

  • Additional time
  • Room adjustments
  • Use of a computer
  • Rest breaks
  • Adjustments to the format of exam papers
  • Support workers (readers or scribes)

Please note, these examination arrangements, when approved by Disability Support Services, may not be relevant for all the assessments you take during your time at university.  If you move from an undergraduate to a postgraduate course please contact us to confirm you still require the same arrangements. Please speak to the relevant person in your school/department prior to any timed assessments to verify the accommodations that are in place.

The university recognises that specific arrangements for formal examinations may be made for dyslexia and other learning difficulties students

Deadline for students to make an appointment to be assessed by Disability Support Service this semester:  is by Monday 4 November 2024.