
Sponsored by Nottingham University Business School China and supported by AIB Asia Pacific Chapter, the conference calls for eligible PhD students to submit their PhD dissertation proposals and will confer up to two awards of RMB 6,000 each.


The target doctoral students should conduct their PhD study in the area of international business/international strategy, preferably with a focus on emerging market contexts, and be enrolled in a PhD program for no more than 3 years. They should be active AIB members at the time of proposal submission to the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals are to be submitted with the subject “Best PhD Dissertation Proposal Award” to Dr. Abby Zhou, The proposal materials should include the following items and can be in English or Chinese as specified below.

1. Cover sheet (English)

  • Dissertation title
  • Student name
  • Institution
  • Dissertation supervisor
  • PhD enrollment (with verifiable evidence) and expected completion dates

2. Summary of the Proposal (no more than 500 words in English)

3. Dissertation Proposal of up to 10 pages, single-spaced with the following items (English or Chinese)

  • Specific research questions, review of the relevant literature, and potential contributions
  • Research design including data collection and analytical methods
  • References
  • Research schedule

4. CV (English or Chinese)

5. A recommendation letter (English or Chinese) from the PhD supervisor in support of the proposal. This letter should be emailed to Dr. Abby Zhou, directly by the supervisor. It should include a statement of the student’s stage of completion in the PhD program, verification of the dissertation proposal, and comments on the potential quality and contributions of the dissertation.

Timetable and evaluation

The submission deadline is May 10, 2023. The evaluation will be conducted by well-established English-Chinese bilingual IB scholars. Notification of the awards will be made during the conference.


The awardees need to acknowledge in their theses (when finished) that their proposals won the award at the AIB Special Theme Conference 2023 in Ningbo, China, co-hosted by University of Nottingham Ningbo China, East China University of Science and Technology, and the University of San Francisco.