Reflecting on a Remarkable Year: 2023 PGR Events Recap

11 January 2024

Step into the vibrant tapestry of UNNC PGR’s 2023!

From engaging academic conferences to thrilling sports competitions, cultural explorations, and festive celebrations, each event contributed to the vibrant tapestry of our PGR community.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane.


January: Dubbing for Fun (Online Event)

Kicking off the year with laughter and creativity, our online Dubbing for Fun event was a memorable gathering of shared joy and entertainment.

February: New PGR Welcome

We welcomed 50 postgraduate research students for the February 2023 intake. An induction session and welcome dinner was held for the newly enrolled PGR students.

February: PGR Badminton Competition

A badminton competition for the PGR community was held with the aim of bringing members of the community (students and staff) together to collaborate and compete in a fun and stress-relieving way, promoting not only physical well-being but also encouraging friendly competition.

March: UNNC 7th PGR Conference

59 PGR presentations were submitted to the conference and nearly 700 students and academics participated in this event offline and online. The conference showcased the ground-breaking work of postgraduate researchers and encouraged intellectual exchange and collaboration across disciplines.

April: Read & Share | Receiving The Gift and Be Your Better Self

In honour of World Book and Copyright Day, we engaged in insightful discussions about personal development and the joy of reading, celebrating the written word.

April: PGR Away Day and Living in China – Trip in Cicheng

An enriching trip to Cicheng, allowing PGR students to explore the beautiful historical and cultural city while networking with their peers.

May: Tri Campus Awards Ceremony

Recognition and applause filled the air as we celebrated the achievements of our outstanding PGR students and staff at the Tri Campus Awards Ceremony.

June: Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

The 3MT is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience. All twenty participants demonstrated brilliant academic and research skills and the ability to present research ideas effectively.

June: Summer Research Experience Week – Digital Future

During the week-long summer research experience programme, we offered these prospective PhD students the opportunity to improve their academic research skills, develop their creative abilities and strengthen their application background in an independent learning environment.

April & June: Public Lecture Co-organized with UNNC Doctoral Association

Collaboration with the UNNC Doctoral Association has resulted in insightful public lectures, fostering intellectual discourse within the city of Ningbo.

July: Summer Graduation Ceremony

The Summer Graduation Ceremony celebrated the achievements of 78 of our PGR graduates and marked the beginning of a new chapter for the next generation of scholars and professionals.


From the creative endeavors showcased in the 'Dubbing for Fun' online event to the scholarly discussions at the UNNC 7th PGR Conference, the semester was a vibrant blend of innovation, collaboration, and celebration.

 The UNNC campus was set to come alive with a series of enriching events during the Autumn Semester of 2023.


September: New PGR Welcome

We welcomed 139 PGR students and set the stage for a sense of community with an induction session and welcome lunch.

October: Ningbo Postgraduate Academic Festival

Postgraduate students from different universities in Ningbo demonstrated the diversity and depth of their research endeavours.

October: PGR Away Day and Living in China – Trip to Jiulong Lake and Tianyi Ge

Exploring the scenic Jiulong Lake and Tianyi Ge, our October Away Day provided the PGR students a refreshing break from academic pursuits.

November: Winter Graduation Ceremony

A time to celebrate the achievements of 38 PGR graduates as they embark on new chapters in their professional and academic lives.

December: 5-HT Week | PGR Movie Night & Candy Sharing

As the semester drew to a close in December, the festive spirit continued with '5-HT Week', which included a cosy 'PGR Movie Night & Candy Sharing' event to promote camaraderie and relaxation.

December: 2023 PGR Year-End Party

The year concluded on a high note with the '2023 PGR Year-End Party,' bringing together the UNNC PGR community for a night of joyous celebration and reflection.

Monthly: PGR Tea Session

 Throughout the semester, the 'PGR Monthly Tea Session' provides an informal and welcoming space for postgraduate researchers to network, share insights and build lasting relationships.


From the warm embrace extended to new postgraduate researchers at the 'New PGR Welcome' in September to the culmination of academic journeys at the 'Winter Graduation Ceremony' in November, the semester promised to be a harmonious blend of academic engagement and celebratory moments.

 As we wrap up this eventful year, we express our deepest gratitude to each member of our PGR community. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and contributions have made 2023 truly unforgettable.

 Looking ahead, we're excited about the promise of new experiences and connections in 2024.


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