Promoting technological adoption for sustainability

Sustainable Development Goal Supporting Research Exhibition Logo


"Technological change has been a major driving force in increasing economic productivity and improving sustainability, however, one challenge facing the world is how to facilitate the adoption of novel technologies. This can be particularly true when there are established norms or substantial switching costs. Education by itself is not sufficient to achieve widespread adoption."

Stuart McDonald

Associate Professor in Public Economics

Dr Stuart McDonald

Associate Professor in Public Economics

Dr Stuart McDonald’s research has been focusing on creating policies that stimulate the adoption of technologies for sustainable development. One of his projects is looking at promoting new technologies at the farm level. Together with his industry collaborator, Dr McDonald is working to establish a set of policies to incentivise technological adoption at a local farm in Ningbo.

His goal is to educate and train farmers to use precision agriculture technology from Israel, and to introduce new types of crops to increase yield for the salt enriched soils.
