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Personal profile

Research Interests

Dr. Yangyang Jiang’s research interests lie in customer experience management, consumer behaviour, services marketing, and sustainable development.

Personal profile

Dr. Yangyang Jiang, is an Associate Professor in Marketing and PhD supervisor at Nottingham University Business School China, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr. Jiang’s research interests include customer experience, services marketing, sharing economy, and sustainable development. Her research work appears in Journal of Travel Research, Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, and others. Before joining UNNC, Dr. Jiang did a Master’s Degree of Management Sciences in Marketing and a Bachelor’s Degree of Management Sciences in Marketing from Renmin University of China, Beijing. Dr. Jiang completed her PhD at the Department of Marketing, Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia. During her PhD candidature, Dr. Jiang was the recipient of the Australian Postgraduate Award, International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Donald Cochrane Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Dean’s Postgraduate Research Excellence Award, Postgraduate Publication Award, and the ANZMAC Doctoral Colloquium Travel Award. Dr. Jiang was nominated by the Department of Marketing, Monash University as the representative doctoral student at the prestigious AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium. She was the Three Minute Thesis Competition Finalist for the Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University. Her presentation was selected by the Monash University Library as an example for the Online Tutorial on Oral Presentations. Dr. Jiang has engaged in various volunteering services and has rich experience in marketing practice. Apart from working for several multinational companies in marketing and management-related functions, she has worked for four Olympic Games as a Global Hospitality Program staff member of the Coca-Cola Company.


  • Digital Marketing
  • Brand Management

Person Types

  • Staff


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